Friday, June 24, 2005

Zurichberg Forest

Lexi and I had a great time at the Google party last night. We enjoyed all the fruits of the "magical animal": sausages, pork cutlets, bacon and bacon wrapped sausages. Everyone at the Zurich office is very nice. Some of the guys at the office are into whiskey and one of them has a sailboat. They said they will let us know if they're going out again so we can join them. We stayed until a little after midnight, though we had to be quiet after 11pm for the curfew.

Today I decided to check out the Zurichberg forest. It's one of 3 small forests in Zurich. It was a long bike ride up hill to get to it, but you could see most of Zurich from the top. There's a train that will take you straight to the top of the hill, but I was in the mood for some exercise.

Here's the view of Lake Zurich from the restaurant at the Edge of the Zurichberg forest.

Here's the rest of downtown Zurich. I really need to get a filter for my camera.

I spent around 4 hours wandering most of the paths in the forest. I really liked the quality of the light on the leaves here. Most of the rest of the path around this was completely shaded, except for this shaft of light which caught just this one branch.

The forest has a bunch of mountainbiking trails in addition to the hiking trails. It stretches all the way from the university to the zoo. All along the way are places you can start campfires. One family was out near one of the small ponds with a couple of sausages on sticks over the fire they built. I didn't see anyone actually camping out, tent and all. I guess people just come up to have picnics. The hike was very relazing. It's been too long since I got to play around with my camera. I picked up a very compact tripod, which I've been using with the timer to help get a few self portraits done. Too often, I've gone hiking and come back with tons of nature photos that look like a I downloaded them rather than hiked in to get them myself.

Lexi and I are off to France tonight at 11pm. Tomorrow, we're wandering around Champagne and the day after we'll hopefully be at the Aviation club de Paris for some cards and maybe a few other spots.

We're worried about our Bonnie who has taken a turn for the worse. She wasn't eating for a while, so Billy and Mandy took her to the vet. He got her rehydrated and she has eaten some nutrical so she's a little bit perkier, but she is getting old and her adrenal gland is failing. The vet's going to email us with some suggestions for treatments by Monday. We wish we were with our Bonnie for all this and we're grateful for the care she's receiving from Billy and Mandy.


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